Siemens NX: Customizing the ugii_env.dat file

By | 08/22/2016

    At first I have to say a few words about ugii_env.dat: NX utilizes a pretty felicitous variables-based settings. It history traces back to Unix-based systems. Older NX versions used ugii_env.dat file, but now both ugii_env.dat and ugii_env_ug.dat are in use.

    During a launching, NX initializes all environment variables through the ENV_ug_init() function. On the whole, the ugii_env.dat is a storehouse of different (including those undocumented) options.

    Now some information about the ugii_env_ug.dat. Please note, that customer changes should be made to the ugii_env.dat file directly, which then includes the ugii_env_ug.dat file. It will be replaced when a MR is loaded, so customers should not edit this file. Environment variables in ugii_env.dat supercede any values in the ugii_env_ug.dat, so override the defaults by defining the value in the ugii_env.dat file, which will not be replaced during MR updates.

    The following variables are exceptions, they must still be set correctly in the user’s environment. This is done by the UG installation. UGII_BASE_DIR, UGII_ROOT_DIR, UGS_LICENSE_SERVER.

    The ugii_env.dat file is located in the <NX Base Dir>/UGII.

     The ugii_env.dat lets you to force unlock some of custom NX options, for an instance:


    If enabled in the ugii_env.dat will run NX in the debug mode, which besides means NX would use classical toolbar instead of new ribbon-style. Note: use this workaround at your own risk. This fuctionality could lead to the unexpected results, even to the corrupted NX installation.

    Thereafter I gathered some intersting environment variables with their short definition:


    Variables for country customizations.  Currently only used for PRC. This option if enabled will add the extra functionality to the NX installation, the co-called GC-Toolkit which includes features for gear modeling, spring design and so on.


    If set, turn on old sketcher interface, else new sketcher interface is used.


    If set as 1, delete will be the only EDU(Edit During Update) option available when a broken link is detected in a linked part. This behavior may be desired to ensure that orphan linked geometry is automatically deleted from linked parts if its parent geometry has been deleted from start part.


    This is the root for CAM specific files.


    These are the locations of the english and metric template parts.

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