This article is dedicated to the descriptive part name style in NX. By default, NX uses the File Name as the descriptive part name, but it’s possible to change this setting.
To accomplish that go to File -> All Preferences -> Assemblies (pic. 1):

Pic. 1
Pay attention to the Descriptive Part Name Style group. Here is a dropdown list of options. The first one is File Name. If assigned, it would show the local disk file names as a descriptive name (uses by default) as it shown on the picture 2:

Pic. 2
You’re also able to define a custom work part header for each part in the assembly. To do this make the work part and click on File -> Utilities -> Edit Work Part Header. The Edit Part File Header menu will appear (pic. 3).

Pic. 3
Insert the description and click Ok. Repeat this algorhythm for each part in the assembly. Then switch to Description option in the Assemblies Preferences (pic. 4).

Pic. 4
This action would change the Assembly Navigator layout. Now it uses part headers as a descriptive names (pic. 5).

Pic. 5
If you have some special part attributes which you want to use as descriptive names, define it in Assemblies Preferences window (pic. 6).

Pic. 6
The attribute value will be used as the descriptive part name in the Assembly Navigator.
Author: Alex Sergeenko
Please note, that this article is copyright protected. Any use of it is not allowed without the author’s agreement.